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Namaste, I am Pleunie Peeters.

Happiness Coach | Yoga teacher | Author


I am a passionate woman and I pursue my dreams.

I aim for no regrets at the end of my life. Take fear by the hand and walking along side towards a future designed by myself. I see gifts in every situation and take responsibility about my life.

I am imperfect, have not got all the answers nor my whole life together. I am how I call it a 'work in progress'. I face my own challenges in life. I am a 'normal' human being and part of the journey which is called life.
Life is a journey and such a beautiful gift we have been given.

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My Story

​Who am I &
Why I do what I do?

My career, from 2003 to 2021 I had been fortunate enough by building my knowledge and experience through study and working in the Interior Design industry. I was completely surrounded with endless varieties of colours, patterns, materials, fabrics, paint and the most incredible variations and combinations in the industry.

However through intensive work behind the ‘screen’ an immense pain in my hands forced me to slow down. My body literally give up on me, computer-work was not allowed anymore. Diagnosed with Repetitive Strain Injury I had to make a radical decision. I had to leave my beloved career as Interior Designer behind me and follow the message from my body. My hands literally guided me towards Yoga practice.


My body needed rest and healing.


Since the end of 2019 I followed another passion of mine, I started studying Life Coaching which I was intrigued by since a very young age and were I finally entered the journey that would bring me back to myself and where I would find back my own identity.


After the 2 years of intense learning and coaching I proudly became an Accredited Master Practitioner Coach. I have learned all about self development, human behaviour, Neuro Linguistic Programming, communication and our body language. I have learned and seen how our own mind is fooling us and blocks us from our most deeply desires in life.


Now, through my own personal development journey I know that I can serve other people with their life’s journey too. Help them challenging their own limiting beliefs and healing their past so that they can move forward and live their desired life in Love, Joy and Happiness.

I feel so privileged to serve my clients and to provide them with the framework and support to reconnect them with their deepest essence, their own identity, because that is the key ingredient towards Happiness. Follow your own path in life and have the strength to stay on it can be challenging, however from experience I can tell you this is the most rewarding path you can ever travel upon.


My Story,

I have been born and raised in the Netherlands. I grow up in a little village and had a good childhood in a very ‘normal’ environment. Together with my Mum, Dad and my two older brothers we have been good to each other.

However life happens, for everyone, as well as for me. I have been scarred and shaped by my experiences throughout my lifetime.


Even with having a fantastic family and friend circle around me I never had the feeling that I was ‘home’ in my own country. There was no sense of belonging. I was always ‘searching’…

"And a deep inner knowing, knew that there was more to life."


By having a pretty complete life in form of family, friends, fulltime job and a nice apartment I still did not felt truly fulfilled in my life. By following my intuition I took off 10 weeks from work to explore and travel to the other side of the world. I traveled through Australia & New Zealand.

During my trip the energy in my body completely shifted and it felt that I finally ‘calmed down’. It felt so different, it felt that I was more at ease.

Traveling back ‘home’ I knew it for sure, the Netherlands is not the country where I wanted to continue my life. My heart was sold to Australia and probably to the whole wide world.

After 2 years considering and ‘over’- thinking I bravely decided to follow that whisper inside me.


I stepped completely out of my comfort zone. After 9½ years I did quit my Interior Design job. Left my apartment and literally put my life into boxes and stored everything for a complete uncertain period of time.

I worked my way through three months of preparation to make my adventure come to live.

Waved goodbye all my loved ones, not knowing when we would be reunited again...
Took only one suitcase and one bag with me and returned to Australia. +|- 16.500 km away from ‘home’ to start a new life from scratch.

And I can tell you,

“A journey towards dreams can take a whole life and as soon as you start live towards your dream challenges will appear.”


Since the start of my adventure in January 2018 I moved 17 times. I worked on 3 different farms to complete the required farm work for the Government in Australia.

The farm life has been by far one of my most heavy and challenging experiences I have ever undertaken in my life. I milked hundreds of cows and took care of thousands of calves by daily giving them milk, feeding them by hand and giving them medication.

My eyes have seen everything…

The good.., the bad.., and the ugly...


After a couple of short term jobs I managed it to get back into my beloved Interior Design industry.

I literally followed the job opportunities everywhere through the country. I drove over 25000 km and followed the twists and turns in life.

Getting diagnosed with Repetitive Strain Injury forced me to change my life.

My body could not continue this lifestyle.

So I chose to heal my hands and body and to go inwards by following the path of Yoga practice.

I signed up for a 2 year Yoga teaching course without me even experiencing or practicing this old science before. I trusted my inner guidance.

Immensely grateful I am with this decision, now I am learning all about Yoga and how to teach it to others. Because Yoga is so aligned with life coaching I am incorporating all these science and knowledge in my business and services as well.


After all these years I realised that all that time I was searching for my own identity…

I just wanted to be me and I just wanted to be Happy.

What a gift to be alive! I fully embrace the journey, without a destination, an open outcome that not one person has got any answers for.

Whatever life throws at you, trust that you can handle it!

I believe that you will need every single step of your life to get you where you would love to be.

Even when you sometimes think WHY? Why does this happen to me?

Sit and reflect on this situation and you will find your answer and lesson that was needed to learn...


"Keep pursuing your dreams they are worth it, just like you!"

Enjoy being alive, live in Happiness ♡


Xx Pleunie


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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