My Story
Hello, my name is Adam Edwick. I was born & raised and still living in Geelong, Australia. I have passion of putting other people ahead of myself. I’ve always prided myself on being of best value, most versatile, with a sense of love and respect for others. Except myself.
Despite being a member of the Country Fire Authority for two decades, been a Union Representative, Health Safety Representative, Football Umpires Coach & Cricket Coach, there was always something missing.
In 2020 I discovered coaching through The Coaching Institute. I’ve found a passion where I’m learning about myself & loving my self. Being able to connect with people on a deep level. I’m now setting up a business where I help people achieve their goals, as a success Coach and Mindset Coach.
Gratitude has played an integral role in my own personal development in the last year. It is the cornerstone of how I see life and how I’ve started to build the self love that I need to develop to best pass onto everyone that I have a connection with. Gratitude is the true start of all personal development, personal development needs to start from within, using gratitude is the most powerful tool you can use to start this process.
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.